Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Handful of Change


It’s Christmastime and all the stores are adorn with festive lights and decorations in an attempt to enhance the holiday spirit. Bell-ringers faithfully stand by each storefront with their clinking bells, big red pots and “Merry Christmas” greetings hoping to acquire all the change left in the hands of those last minute shoppers. Many put the change in their pocket and walk on by without a second glance. Others drop the change into their pocket without a second thought, mainly to avoid the hassle of having to put it back in their wallets. After all it is just change, right? What difference could a few coins really make? ‘It’s not like a handful of change is going to make a difference in the world!’ Yet, the truth is, a handful of “change” could make a difference in someone’s life without costing a penny!
Okay, so that last statement may sound like a riddle but it really isn’t if you think about it. When someone speaks of a ‘handful’ or something ‘in hand’ they are usually referring to something in one’s possession (Webster’s Online Dictionary). Most possessions are considered valuable if only to the owner. Many things could be considered possessions but not all are monetary. Some possessions come in the form of skills, talents, abilities or even personality traits. 

Praying for You