Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pastors Posing as Homeless: New Ministry Approach

This photo has become a hot topic on the web recently. The story that goes with it is of a man (Jeremiah Steepek) posing as a homeless person on the street in front of the church in which he was to be the new pastor.

It's a very intriguing story and one that sends a very strong message. "Love one another." There are rumors that the picture is not actually the pastor or the story not totally factual yet the message is still just as real and just as important. To read the story, go here.

The above story may or may not be true. Maybe there is a real revolutionary advocate for the homeless named Jeremiah Steepek, maybe not. There is however a real Willie Lyle, pastor/revolutionist right in our very own Tennessee!
Tenn. pastor goes undercover as homeless man for week


Before Willie Lyle's first day as pastor of Sango First Methodist Church in Clarksville, TN. he decide to make a bold statement and lasting impression on his new congregation and surrounding community. He spent 4 1/2 days in downtown Clarksville as a homeless man. He learned much of how the general public reacts to the homeless and the issues these people face. He took that first hand knowledge and taught it to his new congregation.