Saturday, January 4, 2014


It was a day not unlike any other.
I woke up and tried to mentally prepare myself for my day by making a list of all I had to do. I began my normal routine of exercise, shower, dress and breakfast before tackling the "accomplishments" of the day. The only difference on this day was a calm, soft voice heard somewhere inside speaking one single word-"Shekhinah". I was immediately surprised and curious as to why this word was so prominent in my thoughts, what was its meaning and what was significance in my life? Although it was surprising I soon put it to the back of my mind and went about my day. Over the next couple of months, this word continually appeared in my consciousness and I knew then that I needed to take a much closer look at this word and what it represents.
Shekhinah (She·ki·nah)

(in Jewish and Christian theology) the glory of the divine presence, conventionally represented as light or interpreted symbolically (in Kabbalism as a divine feminine aspect).

Read the full story here