Friday, July 5, 2013

Indescribable-Chris Tomlin

Justified Measures


Have you ever taken a moment to think about all the things we measure in life? In cooking we measure each ingredient to make sure the desired dish comes out tasting great. During a building project we calculate each measurement precisely to ensure proper function and safety. We even measure our kids to see how fast they’re growing. In each case, we always have tools to help us achieve an accurate assessment. Our society has even taught us how to measure a person socially by judging a person based on certain standards such as wealth, education, social standing or appearance. Now, I ask you, “By what, do we measure these attributes and how can we feel secure in the accuracy of our ‘measurement’ of that person? How much does our approval of each other really matter in the long run anyway?” Yes, in some social situations achieving approval from certain individuals may provide prosperity to a person’s immediate future but does it really benefit later on or even where it matters most-eternity? Remember everything that happens, every decision that you make will affect your life, those around you and your future: here and for eternity!