Saturday, July 27, 2013

God's Materpiece

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. - Ephesians 2:10

"From a health perspective, our biggest challenge is to cope with the
circumstances of life and its associated stressors along with relationship
stressors in a healthy way. For the most part, our behaviors in response
to these life events and stressors are attempts to meet our most basic
needs of love, acceptance, self worth, security and identity. We have two
options. We can choose to include God in our efforts to manage our life
and stressors, or we can choose to go it alone" states Dale Fletcher , writer for

It is true that our reaction to any situation we face is a form of coping with the stress of that circumstance. We all have a choice in how we react. What we chose is determined in a large part by our beliefs, values and emotional state at the time of the occurance. A strong faith in Jesus Christ and his teachings gives a strong foundation to see circumstances with a perspective of hope. That is not to say that having a Christian faith will guarantee a stressfree, illness free life but scientific studies have proven that having a strong faith results in lower stress and less of the illnesses that come with that stress.