Saturday, July 6, 2013

A Sword and a Crow


One day many years ago there was a fisherman named Simon working with his brother Andrew when, along the shoreline, walked a man who spoke to them these simple words- “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men” (Matt 4:18-20). The concept of that statement and their response were far from simple because follow they did-without hesitation! Andrew first. Then, excitedly he brought his brother Simon (John 1:40). The man was Jesus and the concept he was proposing to them was a ministry of reconciliation with God that would later be referred to as “The Way” and what we now call Christianity. To leave the family business, their only means of livelihood, in order to follow a man who appeared to have no means of his own was a huge decision. A decision requiring much faith that somehow their needs would be met. Obviously something drew them-a sincerity that there was a purpose much bigger and more meaningful than acquiring food for the body, which was food for the soul.

John the Baptist

At the same time a great man of God, with his own ministry and disciples, named John was preaching, baptizing and proclaiming the truth of the soon to come Messiah. So, when he saw Jesus his soul recognized him and he declared, “Look! There is the Lamb of God” (John 1:27)! Andrew was there to hear these profound words and his spirit was overwhelmed with joy. He shared this good news with his brother and the two dropped everything to follow which suggests a hunger deep in the souls of these two men. It was during their first meeting when Jesus looked at Simon and said, “Your name is Simon but you will be called Peter” (or Cephas which means stone) (John 1:42). I’m sure that about this time Simon was questioning why a man he just met would already be giving him a nickname. What he didn’t realize was that Jesus saw the leader in him he didn’t know was there. It was too soon for him to recognize its significance. Neither could he imagine the hard road he had to face, the changes he would go through or the importance of the role he would play.

The Rock

The disciples throughout Jesus’ ministry witnessed many miraculous events. They were amazed and their faith grew because of them. Also, the multitude of people reached began to question who this man really was. Jesus knew of the murmurings and inquired of his disciples as to what the people were saying. Then he asked the same of them. “Who do you say I am?” It was Simon Peter who responded with, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God”. It was this act of faith that caused Jesus to say, “You are blessed, Simon son of John, because my Father in heaven has revealed this to you, not from humans. Now I say that you are Peter and upon this “rock” I will build my church and all the powers of hell will not conquer it. I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and whatever you forbid on earth so will it be in heaven. Whatsoever you permit on earth so it will be in heaven” (Matt 16:13-19). Talk about being promoted! He was being prepared to move from being leader of twelve to leader of thousands as the ‘church’. As they say though, with great power comes great responsibility. This was one of the greatest lessons Peter would ever learn.

The Bitter Truth

Another lesson that Peter would not fully comprehend until much later was the sacrifice Jesus would make and the necessity of it. As Jesus tried to ease the disciple into an elementary understanding of God’s plan of redemption, he told them that he would be tortured and killed but be raised on the third day. All Peter heard was that his Lord would be murdered and he would have nothing of it and in fact told Jesus so. Jesus replied with a reprimand of his own. “Get behind me satan! You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s” Jesus said. To have Jesus look you in the eye, call you by name and scold you is bad enough but to have him replace your name with ‘satan’? Wow! That’s an ah-ha moment for sure! Peter was not perfect and had many lessons to learn before he could live up to his new name. Another incident that humbled him and began to lay the groundwork to building the great man of God he would become was during a routine fishing outing. This particular night had been very unprofitable and discouraging until Jesus stepped into the boat and instructed Simon Peter to “go deeper into the water and cast your nets” (Luke 5:4-6). Believing that it would be of no benefit but still wanting to humor his friend and leader, he did as asked. What happened next was overwhelming as the nets were near breaking with the mass of fish caught! At the sight of this Peter fell to his knees and said, “Oh Lord, please leave me. I’m too much of a sinner to be around you” (v. 8). Jesus told him not to fear and to get ready to become a fisherman of much greater proportions!

The First Will Be Last

At this time during one of their many festivals, which we know as the Passover, Jesus shared this event with his disciples. We now recognize this particular occasions as The Last Supper because that is when Jesus explained his real purpose and what would transpire in the days to come. It was at this time Jesus also revealed that there was a traitor among them. This began murmurings between the twelve of who it could be followed by who would be the greatest in the new kingdom. Jesus had to clarify that the ones who put themselves last for the benefit of others would become first. It was clear that they still did not get it! He singled Peter out in this crash course by telling him how satan asked permission to test each of them and how he prayerfully begged that Peter would have the faith to not fall. Peter, with all his fiery passion for the cause and for his master said, “Lord, I am ready to go to prison with you and even to die with you”. I’m sure Jesus appreciated his enthusiasm but had to enlighten him on the truth. “Peter, let me tell you something”, Jesus said. “Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny three times that you even know me” (Luke 22:1-50). That’s definitely not the warrior persona for which Peter was aiming!

Quick Tempered

I’m sure Jesus’ words were still ringing in Peter’s ears when prophecy began to unfold as the priests and roman soldiers came to arrest Jesus. His heart must have been racing, pounding in his chest-his breath, rapid and shallow-his palms sweaty as he went into fight-or-flight mode. No time to debate. Peter had made his decision with one swing of a sword that resulted in the slashing of the ear of the high priest’s slave! Jesus said, ‘enough!’ and with a touch restored the man’s ear! Imagine how Peter must have felt at that moment. He was so passionate and somewhat reckless that he went in blazing and left with his tail between his legs!

Peter Re-evaluates

I can imagine about this time Peter was berating himself and doing some serious self-examination. “Should I have handled that situation differently? I basically said I’d fight to the death for Jesus. I’m supposed to be a leader after all! Right? I’ll do better next time!” is probably what he was saying to himself.

Well, his ‘next time’ to take a stand was just as risky but had a totally different outcome. We see Peter following close behind the arresting crowd as they carried off Jesus to a rigged midnight trial for his life. Peter tried to blend in with the people outside who were warming themselves by a fire when, he was approached by a servant girl who recognized him as a follower of Jesus. “Woman, I don’t even know him” he replied. Soon, another person announced he was one of the group. “No man, I’m not!” he protested. Some time later a third person acknowledge that he was a follower because he was from Galilee. Again Peter denied, “Man, I don’t know what you are talking about!”. At that very moment a rooster crowed. At the same time Jesus turned and looked at Peter. It was at this moment when the words of Jesus came back to flood his mind as Jesus eyes and the reality of his betrayal pierced his soul (Luke 22:54-62)! Peter, the rock, had all but crumbled at the realization of his fallible humanity. The humanity satan showcased through his ‘sifting’ of Peter. “Look at your leader now Jesus!” satan appeared to be saying.

That Heart Breaking Sound

After this so called trial the Roman soldiers took opportunity to mock, beat and torture Jesus. Then came the crucifixion. As nails were driven into his hands and feet and he was lifted to hang on a cross to suffocate by the weight of his own body crushing his lungs, he asked God to forgive his tormentors and accuser (Matt 27:35-49). Then, with only three words he completed God’s plan-“It is finished” (John 19:30). During the time to come after his death, I’m sure it seemed to the disciples that all was lost.

The Holy Spirit

That all changed when they decided to have a meeting to try to sort out what had happened and what may be the fate of them and their cause. Because in the midst of their worries and concerns appeared Jesus, in the flesh, pierced flesh and all! It was at that moment that he said, “Peace be with you”, breathed on them then said, “Receive the Holy Spirit” (John 20:19-22). With this covering of the Holy Spirit the disciples became leaders of the first church, which were the new believers in Christ.

Now, a lot took place between the sound of a crowing rooster to being blessed with the Holy Spirit! All these events forever stayed in the hearts and minds of the disciples and definitely built the faith of Peter, the ‘rock’ of Jesus’ church.

Do you love me?

It is at the third appearance of Jesus to the disciples when Peter had his true destiny revealed. Jesus asked, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” Peter replied, “Yes Lord”. “Then feed my lambs”, Jesus instructed. This sequence happened a total of three times before Peter exclaimed with hurt feelings, “Lord you know everything. You know that I love you!” Then is when Jesus foretold Peter’s ministry and future even to the specifics of his death!

After all these events came the day of Pentecost. This is the festival celebrated 50 days after the Feast of Unleavened Bread but this particular feast was different. As the disciples gathered they heard a sound like a roaring, mighty, windstorm that filled the room. The appearance of a tongue of fire fell on each of them and filled them with the Holy Spirit, as promised by Jesus, so they would be anointed witnesses and empowered to do the work they were commissioned to do. 

From that pivotal moment, Peter stepped forward and took the leadership role of the ministry and beginnings of the early Church. In fact, his first message was given to the crowd outside on that very day. His message told of fulfilled prophesy and how Jesus was the completion of it all and God’s plan of redemption for all “who calls on the name of the Lord” (Acts 2:21). 3,000 people that listened to Peter’s sermon and believed were baptized and added to the church (v.41). All in one day!

From Fisherman to Fisher of Men

So, here we’ve seen a man go from being a humble fisherman, to foot-in-mouth master, to sword wielding hot head, to a man bitterly crying with soul aching grief to a man of strong faith and witness. A man so fallible yet so malleable that God was able to transform him into a great leader. Who knew that God could transition a fisherman with so many shortcomings to become a great man of God leading hundreds of thousands to the true plan of redemption and abundant life? God did and so did Jesus. Remember, Jesus called Simon ‘the rock’ long before he showed any qualities of stability or strength. Why? 

Because Jesus knew him better than he knew himself. He knows us better than we know ourselves too. So, when he gives an assignment, our first response shouldn’t be, “I can’t” but instead, “teach me “. “Through him I can do all things” (Philippians 4:13) was not just for the one man who said it so many years ago. The Bible shows it was true for Peter and it’s true for us too! I am thankful the Lord has a plan for me. Even in my lowest points in life I, like Peter, can find victory even after the cock crows!